In my family we do not really have family reunions.. well not officially. This is because our family is so spread out that its almost impossible to get everyone together. For example, my dads family is in Guadalajara or in Vallarta which isnt that bad but still they dont reallu organize a gathering. However, my moms family lives in the U.S. and they are more in on I guess what you could say "family time". Even though we do not have official reuinons in which we make flyers or send out emails about a get together, we do like to go all out for thanksgiving. The "tradition" for many years has always been going to my Uncle Mikes house and having 3 different kinds of turkey and like 100 different types of pies to
get fat on. Then there is regular potatoes, baked potatoes, and potatoe salad, since alot of us our picky eaters. Not ALL of the fmaily is able to attend since I have an uncle and some cousins living in North Dakota, but the majority of my moms family is always there and ready to eat. My aunts and cousins come in from California and usually stay at my uncle Mikes. We will usually all arive there sometime in the afternoon and stay untill dusk. The kids will play outside since the backyard is huge or play with the giant dogs they have. The adults will gossip in the kitchen and eat all day. I used to be the one playing with the dogs and outside the whole day but now I do a little of both because its hilarious to hear the adults gossiping while drunk! :)
this post made me hungry...