Thursday, September 3, 2009

social revolution

Social media revolution, especially after watching that video is very scary. When you think about it, its really picking up speed; no looking back. It's frightening to think that porn is actually the #1 activity on the web. That’s not just gross but disturbing and pathetic for all those people who made it #1. I also found it interesting how so many people have met and dated over the internet because a have a family member who did that, my aunt. She just got to tired of looking for herself so she thought the internet would help. And who would have thought that technology ( would bring a man and a woman together, one from greece and the another from U.S.A. So in these few sentences their has been a positive and a negative together. The negative being the dirty things someone can do over an internet connection, and the positive being that now my aunt is now married to the guy she met online.

I myself am a Facebook addict. I remember when people started getting a facebook and I was still hooked on myspace with this theory that Facebook looked tacky and was never gonna make it. And now I have 100 and 10% forgotten all about myspace's exsistence. I am actually on Facebook right now as I am every waking minute. Well I'm not THAT attached but it's addicting what can I say. Anyways, it was kind of a reality check to realize that in less than 9 months 100 million joined facebook. At this point in cyber time Facebook is probably considered to be #1 and Twitter is not that far behind. So, what's next? If every year or so, or maybe less, our social media is changing, how much further or more modern can we actually go?

To be the best word to describe this cybe revolution is mind bottling. Not the mention, that just by someone typing your name into google, you stalker could find where you live, where your from, or where you attend school. Our personal information is not really so personal anymore. Plus, everything we put on Facebook for example, is now published for all of wonderful noisy friends to see :)... However, on the plus side when ever were bored on Facebook and have nothing on T.V. to watch, we can always find thousands of videos, movies, documentaries, cartoon shows, anything to keep us entertained. On the down side, newspapers are going downhill and that happens to be my fathers profession. In final word, the internet is huge and will only continue to go upscale.

1 comment:

  1. I agree...ur a rocksandwich :D
    no but is kinda scary when u think about how quickly things are changing. Maybe if u look at it that way..its not a good thing?
